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          Leadership inspection

          當前位置:網站首頁 -> About Us -> Leadership inspection

          Wang Ruiyuan (second from right), president of China National Cereals and Oils Association, and Hu Chengsen (first from right), secretary general of the China National Cereals and Oils Association, and Wen Jianwei, general manager of Feizhong Grain Machinery, took a group photo at the 14th China International Cereals, Oils and Products and Equipment Technology Fair.

          Former secretary of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee (currently secretary of the Jingzhou Municipal Party Committee), Li Xinhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Chen Wanbo, secretary of the Laohekou Municipal Party Committee, and Wen Jianwei, general manager of Feizhong Company, took a group photo.

          Secretary of the Food Bureau Chen Fan and academician Wang Guicheng visited the study

          Deputy Director of the Grain Bureau and deputies of the National People's Congress visited

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